1. Create class Node with generic parameter T and having instance variables as
1.1 data of type T i.e. T data;
1.2 List of Node of Type T i.e. List<Node<T>> children;
1.3 parent of type Node<T> i.e. Node<T> parent;
& methods as
Constuctors as
public Node(T data)
{ = data;
public Node(T data,Node<T> parent)
{ = data;
this.parent = parent;
Add methods to getChildren, addChild, setParent.
2. Create class Tree with instance variables as
2.1 root with type Node<T> i.e. Node<T>root;
3. Create Class TestTree with main method.
Create a local variable t of type Tree.
Add root and other nodes inside the tree.
1. Create class Node with generic parameter T and having instance variables as
1.1 data of type T i.e. T data;
1.2 List of Node of Type T i.e. List<Node<T>> children;
1.3 parent of type Node<T> i.e. Node<T> parent;
& methods as
Constuctors as
public Node(T data)
{ = data;
public Node(T data,Node<T> parent)
{ = data;
this.parent = parent;
Add methods to getChildren, addChild, setParent.
2. Create class Tree with instance variables as
2.1 root with type Node<T> i.e. Node<T>root;
3. Create Class TestTree with main method.
Create a local variable t of type Tree.
Add root and other nodes inside the tree.